Thursday, 24 October 2013


is, in its simplest form, an search engine for searching blogs. Technorati looks at the authors place on their websites and uses them to categorize search results. So if you were to put lots of 'technology' related tags on your website or blog, it would be listed in the 'technology' section of Technorati.

So why is Technorati useful to you, as a blogger? Well it is the leading blog search engine and directory, so being listed on Technorati is one step towards a wider audience. The blog index is used by advertisers who 'want-in' on your discussions- so there is the possibility of attracting contacts who have sought you out from the crowd, rather than vice-versa. Your 'impact' is quantified through . The more links (and other associated data) made to your blog, within a defined time period, the higher your ranking. Top ranking blogs get more attention from other bloggers and advertisers, and ultimately more hits for you. Technorati is a 'power site' with many links to and from it and a high ranking. The more links you make to Technorati through 'tags', the more attractive your blog will look to Google, and possibly, just possibly, the higher your search engine ranking on Google!

Technorati can be accessed by clicking here. Next time: What is Google Adsense?

If you cannot wait until next time, Click Here for more blogging advice.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Click Bank

is an asset to any blogger who has definitive and informative knowledge in any specialist subject area. Using an innovative online platform, Click Bank encourages the entrepreneur in all of us to think long and hard about how we can our written word, audio products and videos.
Click Bank promotes repeat sales to customers over time, not just one off sales, and through use of the internet, this is easier to achieve than most would think. We all blog because it is fun, right? That is what keeps us doing it, week after week, month after month. This level of dedication acquires an , who you can then point to other products (listed on Click Bank) that they would also enjoy - and in the process. This scheme is referred to as Click Bank affiliates.

I am not going to tell you that you can of pounds over night. However, an established and loyal audience, plus effective affiliate marketing, can earn you a nice side income. Then what's even better, is you will enjoy it!

There is a catch-22 here, like all money making schemes, you do not want to irritate your readers. So carefully - only push the products you believe in, perhaps products you have tried, like the Profitable Blogging Secrets guide I found when I joined. If you can push a good product in front of a readers eyes...and they like it, they will come back for more and more, benefiting Click Bank of course, but you and your blog too!

So what can you earn from your blog? Click Bank offers up to 75% , although it is set by the vendor themselves. So lets assume just a 25% commission, and you promote a $40 product. You get one sale, thats $10 earnt. Now how many visits to your blog do you get? The best blogs might get 1000 visits a day, but lets just go for 10 visits a day. What is that over a year? Well its 3650 visits. Now if you only convert 10% of visits to purchases thats 365 products at $40 sale price. Based on your somewhat under estimated 25% commission you would get $3650 profit. That is profit for doing something you would have done anyway, something which you enjoy.

How do you sign up? Just head over to Click Bank now and sign up as an affiliate. Do you know what is even better, it's free!

Next time: What is Technorati?